Holdsworth House Research will change its name to Momentum Clinical Research from 1 July 2024.
Our Team

A dynamic group of practitioners, dedicated to making a difference.

Dr Christopher Muir


Dr John Frew


A/Prof Mark Bloch

General Practitioner

Dr Jessie Lee

Clinical Immunologist & Immunopathologist

Current studies

Discover the meaningful difference you can make by participating in clinical trials. Your contribution has the potential to shape medicine's future, driving progress and bettering lives.


Knee Osteoarthritis Research Study

We are looking for adults aged 40 - 80 years to participate in a research study which seeks to assess whether an investigational drug can reduce the knee pain in people with osteoarthritis (OA).

COVID-19 and Influenza Combined Vaccine study

We are looking for adults 60 years or older to participate in a research study which seeks to assess the effectiveness of a combined COVID-19 & Flu vaccination.

COVID-19 Vaccine Research Studies

The research team at Holdsworth House are looking for people who are generally healthy and who may be interested in new Covid-19 vaccines being researched.
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Shaping the future of medicine

Embrace the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking research. For more information on upcoming studies, get in touch with our research team.